
Things I did when I should have been sleeping...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Plans oh I have them. Oh, and a sketch.

What do you do when you're unemployed and possibly sick? If you're me, you chug Theraflu like it's prohibition coffin varnish, put on a Gorillaz playlist and draw until the sweet embrace of night time medicine knocks you out cold. An exercise in drawing hands turned into an exercise in narcissism under the argument that it's 2:30 in the morning and there's no one else to draw... from life. Or something. Whatever, look what I did.

More like Rocktopus amirite?
Moving on. I feel cheated by the lackluster winter Portland's been experiencing. If it's going to be cold, it should at least have the goddamn decency to snow. One, one week of legit below-freezing weather and no precipitation? Are you fucking kidding me? Give me snow and ice. Waiter, I ordered the Snowpocalypse with a side of Adventure. Instead we've witnessed months of the temperature bouncing around in the 40s. Cold and cloud cover, like the set of a terrible sparkly-vampire movie. Don't get me wrong, I loves me some overcast, but enough is enough. I'm stir crazy and I have plans. Enter these little bastards.

Not pictured: carpal tunnel

These are the flowers I've been crocheting like crazy for two days straight. I was struck with the inspiration stick after reading an entry in http://yarnbombing.com/ about making cherry blossoms and sending them off to decorate trees on a historical landmark in Vancouver, BC. My idea? Pepper these babies all around Portland. It's gray, gray, gray out. I think the city could most definitely benefit from the addition of gaudy flowers made from cheap acrylic I was never gonna use anyways. Pictures hopefully to follow. Viva Yarn Bombing! Jai Ho!

1 comment:

  1. *stalks from Y-Gallery*

    ooh I like the blossoms.
